Thursday, January 15, 2009

Things I've Learned: Prelude to This I Believe

I'm hoping to post here at least once a month. A little more often at first because I'm excited to have an outlet like this. As much as I love to write, I have always had a hard time journaling consistently for any length of time. So this may give me a way to keep up with it. I'll start out slow. I've got reminders set on my calendar for monthly posts, just to make sure I don't let too much time go by in between.

My plan is to start with a series of essays about things I believe in, things that are of paramount importance to me. I enjoy listening to the This I Believe essays on NPR, and the blog will serve as my own spin on that theme.

But for now, I'd like to share my list of Things I've Learned, which I originally posted on my Facebook page some time ago. Hope you enjoy them...

So here are a few things life has taught me. These are things I learned the hard way, presented here for you in hopes that you may find something useful so that perhaps you may avoid "the hard way." They're my general rules (well, guidelines, really...I've never been one for rules), the things I try to keep in the back of my head at all times to minimize frustration, heartache, and annoyance.

1. Never date anyone with a nickname that includes the word "crazy."

2. Protect your ears and eyes. This includes wearing earplugs at concerts and sunglasses during the daytime.

3. Wear sunscreen.

4. Moisturize. Every day. If you doubt the value of this advice, take a look at my father's face. I'm a believer.

5. No matter how hard you work to always do the right thing, the course of your life can still be dictated by the consequences of someone else's actions. Do not let this discourage you from doing the right thing anyway.

6. Spring for better seats whenever possible.

7. Splurge on good shoes.

8. Always send a note.

9. Never buy a brand new car. It just doesn't make good financial sense.

10. Know when to hold 'em, when to fold 'em, when to walk away, and when to run.

11. Look people in the eye. And not just people you know - the cashier at the grocery store, strangers you pass on the street, everyone with whom you interact. See how it changes things.

12. Do not let the time or geography that stretches between you keep you from letting someone know when you're thinking about them.

13. Shave your legs, on account of You Just Never Know.

14. Be particular. (This is an official maxim of the Sweet Potato Queens. If you are unfamiliar with the Sweet Potato Queens, shame on you. Go read their books. Thank me later.)

15. Do not try to "potty train" your children. This advice (which was given to me and I heeded when Carter was little) will save a TON of grief and aggravation for both you and the child. They'll do it when they're ready. Have you ever heard of a 30-year-old who was still in diapers? Relax.

16. There is no substitute for good company. Be very picky about whom you choose to spend your time with. It is better to be left alone than to be left with just anyone.

17. Practice conscious gratitude. Always.

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